Not a real patient.
Find Your Support
You don’t need to face cancer on your own. Think about those you already feel comfortable talking to or new contacts who may help and understand.
The people closest to you are often the ones who can provide unconditional love and support. Sometimes, however, talking to the people closest to you about cancer can be difficult. The American Cancer Society has some great advice for talking with family and friends.
These can include one-on-one counseling, group counseling, or support groups online or in your area. If you are interested in joining a support group, ask your healthcare team to connect you with one that meets your specific needs.
At times, the best people to lean on for information are the medical professionals who have the experience to help. Become familiar with all of the people who are part of your treatment team.
For some, spirituality offers comfort and strength, and a spiritual leader can be a great source of support.
Having strong support from loved ones helped Jessica, a real breast cancer patient, face her cancer diagnosis.
Places to Connect
Many groups not only share information, news, and updates about cancer but also directly interact and share their experiences in the fight against this disease.
AstraZeneca is not affiliated with the organizations below and does not control, review, or endorse third-party content and is not responsible for the content.

Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) is a national nonprofit organization devoted to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. FORCE provides support, education, advocacy, awareness, and research specific to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and has programs to help anyone with a BRCA mutation or a family history of cancer.

Sharsheret improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach. While Sharsheret's expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer is a national nonprofit, with the goal of connecting people with breast cancer to support, whether online, by phone, or in-person. Those impacted by cancer also have the opportunity to share their experiences, plus participate in a range of volunteering opportunities and educational events.

Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) is a national nonprofit organization devoted to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. FORCE provides support, education, advocacy, awareness, and research specific to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and has programs to help anyone with a BRCA mutation or a family history of cancer.

Sharsheret improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach. While Sharsheret's expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.

OCRA is the world’s leading ovarian cancer organization. We are dedicated to curing ovarian cancer by advancing innovative science, promoting preventive measures, advocating for federal funding, and educating and supporting anyone affected by gynecologic cancers to ensure the best possible outcomes. We provide education and information about genetic testing as well as access to testing for those at-risk.

Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) is a national nonprofit organization devoted to hereditary cancer. FORCE provides support, education advocacy, awareness, and research specific to hereditary prostate cancer and has programs to help anyone with a BRCA mutation or a family history of cancer.

ZERO Prostate Cancer is the leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer and help all who are impacted. ZERO advances research, provides support, and creates solutions to achieve health equity to meet the most critical needs of our community.

PHEN's mission is the elimination of African American prostate cancer disparity, and to increase the overall support and resources for a war on prostate cancer that will lead to a cure for the disease for the benefit of all with prostate cancer.
Educational Resources
The following organizations are leaders in the fight against cancer and share a great deal of useful information online.
American Cancer Society (ACS) provides accurate, up-to-date information on cancer and a comprehensive approach to advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. ACS also provides guidance and support programs to individuals in all communities affected by cancer - available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit Their Website >
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers comprehensive, credible, and reliable information on a range of health issues. In collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health, the CDC established the “Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer” campaign to raise awareness of gynecologic cancers, including ovarian cancer.
Visit Their Website >The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training. In coordination with the National Cancer Program, the NCI conducts and supports research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs that address the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer; rehabilitation from cancer; and the continuing care of patients and their families.
Visit Their Website >-
IMPORTANT NOTES: All links are for educational purposes only. Information on these sites should not be interpreted as medical advice. All health information should be discussed with your healthcare team.
All logos, trademarks, and content on external sites are the property of their respective owners.